Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 6. Part 1. P. 190-193.
Tukaeva Roza Abdulkhaevna
Bashkir State University
Abstract. The author considers the language of fine art by analogy with the natural language used in everyday existence, as well as the language of other art forms (music), shows the fine art crisis of the XXIst century, discusses that artistic graphic language is created by an individual (artist), an era; and substantiates that the consideration of artistic reality language problem allows determining the connection between a social-artistic situation in its concrete historical specificity and an artwork in the unity of its indicative features and value-semantic content.
Key words and phrases: бытие искусства, небытие, искусство, язык изобразительного искусства, художественный язык, art existence, non-existence, art, fine art language, artistic language
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