Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 6. Part 1. P. 176-181.
Solentsova Elena Alekseevna
Samara State University of Economics
Abstract. The author presents the analysis of the structural transformations in the USSR industry (by the materials of Middle Volga region) in 1955-1965, determines the reasons that had the greatest influence on industrial structure changes, conducts the economic-mathematical analysis of the structural changes in Middle Volga region industry, applies correlation-regression analysis to create the model, tests the model relevance with statistical hypotheses testing (Fisher's test), and model parameters relevance - with Student's test.
Key words and phrases: структурные преобразования, научно-техническая революция, экономический район, предприятие, отрасль, экономико-математический анализ, structural transformations, scientific-technical revolution, economic area, enterprise, branch, economic-mathematical analysis
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