Abstract. The authors reveal morality ontological foundations in M. Heidegger's work Being and Time, pay special attention to Heidegger's understanding of human existence, its essence, the notions of freedom and responsibility, and especially conscience and guilt, which ontological status is not clarified enough, and substantiate the conclusion that a man, understood in terms of the existential analytics of Heidegger's being, is faced only to himself in moral sense.
Key words and phrases: бытие-присутствия, что-бытие, вот-бытие, как-бытие, мнимое бытие, экзистенция, явление, феномен, кажимость, забота, размыкание, истина, человек, воля, свобода, совесть, вина, being-presence, what-being, here-being, how-being, imaginary being, existence, event, phenomenon, seeming, care, disconnection, truth, man, will, freedom, conscience, guilt
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