Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 5. Part 1. P. 204-209.
Chuvardin German Sergeevich
Orel State University
Abstract. The author considers one of the most exotic and little-known segment of the Russian Empire military elite of the end of the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth century - Guards Cossack generals, concludes that Cossack generals (except for individual cases) were not incorporated into the military-political elite of the Empire, and shows that their career and social status were determined by the general character of an average Guards Cossack General's advancement taking into account Cossack specificity.
Key words and phrases: "казачья гвардия", военная элита, офицерский корпус, императорская армия, Войско Донское, генералитет, "Cossack Guards", military elite, officers, Imperial Army, Don Troop, generals
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