Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 5. Part 1. P. 189-192.
Tonkii Nikolai Vladimirovich
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The author reveals the rear support of the Russian Empire armed forces at the beginning of the ХХth century, pays special attention to supply system condition on the eve of the armed conflict with Japan, determines the most significant problems that existed in rear support, conducts the analysis of both the army rear organization readiness in general and certain types of its subsistence supply, and concludes that the difficulties, which existed in rear support, became one of the reasons of Russia defeat in the Russian-Japanese war.
Key words and phrases: тыловое обеспечение, тыл, интендантское управление, военно-окружное управление, интендантский курс, торги, довольствие, санитарное, боевое, транспортное, продовольственное, вещевое обеспечение, rear support, rear, intendant administration, military district administration, intendant course, tender, subsistence, sanitary, combat, transport, food, material support
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