Abstract. The author analyzes the First World War refugees' situation in the central part of European Russia during the first year after the Civil War by the materials of central and regional archives new sources, for the first time covers the major disadvantages of evacuation process organization as one of the reason of refugees' masses spontaneous movement, and discusses central authorities' practice to counter the unauthorized movement of newly arrived refugee population and its failure.
Key words and phrases: беженцы Первой мировой войны, Центральное управление по эвакуации населения, плановая реэвакуация, стихийное движение, демобилизованные из Красной армии беженцы, голод, эпидемии, First World War refugees, central department of population evacuation, planned re-evacuation, spontaneous movement, refugees demobilized from the Red Army, famine, epidemics
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