Abstract. The author analyzes one of the aspects of international relations in Habsburg Empire - German-Czech contradictions, reveals the problem through the determination of German-Czech conflict escalation prerequisites, its ideological base formation - Pan-Germanism and Austroslavism, and shows close interrelation of the Germans and Czechs' national consciousness growth and political crisis exacerbation in Habsburg Empire in the 40s of the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth century.
Key words and phrases: панславизм, австрославизм, Германия, Габсбурги, Австрийская империя, славяне, славянский вопрос, чехи, немцы, Палацкий, Pan-Slavism, Austroslavism, Germany, the Habsburgs, Austrian Empire, the Slavs, Slavic question, the Czechs, the Germans, Palacky
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