Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 2. Part 2. P. 195-198.
Smekhnov Roman Yur'evich
Voronezh State University
Abstract. The author gives the brief characteristic of the interned Germans contingent who participated in the postwar reconstruction of the industrial and residential projects within Ukrainian SSR (1945-1954), basing on the declassified materials of the central and regional archives of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine as well as Germans - the events participants' memories reveals and analyzes the negative factors that adversely affected economic labour performance, and pays special attention to the study of the certain manifestations of the West-Arbeiters' manufacturing everyday life.
Key words and phrases: Вторая мировая война, мобилизованные и интернированные немцы, принудительный труд, восстановление народного хозяйства, Великая Отечественная война, World War II, mobilized and interned Germans, forced labour, recovery of economy, Great Patriotic War
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