Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 2. Part 2. P. 80-82.
Klenina Elena Anatol'evna, Peskov Arkadii Evgen'evich
Volgograd State Technical University
Volgograd State Architectural-Building University
Abstract. The authors analyze the mechanisms of power phenomenon objectivation (by means of political leader and mass interrelation) in the context of death fear overcoming, and show that power phenomenon occurs when a man comes across death fear, and as long as this fear exists, there inevitably appears a man who aspires power, to be more exact, aspires to overcome death fear.
Key words and phrases: стремление к власти, страх смерти, массовое сознание, политический лидер, механизмы объективации, aspiration for power, death fear, mass consciousness, political leader, objectivation mechanisms
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