Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 2. Part 1. P. 201-203.
Usmanova Elena Fanil'evna
Mordvinian Classical Institute
Abstract. The author considers the content of the communicative process in professional legal activity, reveals the features of the speech communication strategy and tactics in legal practice, emphasizes that the professional implementation of any legal speech communication form - consultation or interrogation, judicial pleadings or negotiations - requires, except for special training, communicative abilities and skills mastering; and takes into account that communicative skills are crucial in modern professional business world, and in particular speech communication determines the success of any specialization lawyer's activity.
Key words and phrases: речевая юридическая коммуникация, коммуникативная компетентность юриста, профессиональная юридическая деятельность, коммуникативно-речевая стратегия и тактика, speech legal activity, lawyer's communicative competence, professional legal activity, communicative-speech strategy and tactics
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