Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 12. Part 3. P. 40-45.
Vlasov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The author researches the development of large-panel building construction in the Far East during the years of mass housing construction, shows that the construction of low-cost social housing by industrial method was an important contribution to the solution of housing problem within the Far Eastern region in 1960-1991, and mentions that due to the new technological solution the evident growth of built up housing volume was achieved thus supplying most people with comfortable flats and partially solving housing problem.
Key words and phrases: жилищное строительство, крупнопанельное домостроение, домостроительные комбинаты, программа "Жилье 2000", housing construction, large-panel building construction, building construction factories, program "Housing 2000"
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