Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 12. Part 3. P. 204-207.
Shirin Sergei Sergeevich
St. Petersburg State University
Abstract. The author undertakes an attempt to determine the key features of the humanitarian dimension of foreign cultural policy based on the analysis of the documents: Foreign Policy Conception of the Russian Federation and its annex; and comes to the conclusion that the humanitarian content of the Russian foreign policy in the basic documents, defining the conceptual approaches of the state to this direction of political activity, is reduced to international cultural cooperation, at the same time such characteristic of humanitarian activity as the focus on the interests of an individual and his development is not reflected in the conceptual documents.
Key words and phrases: международное культурно-гуманитарное сотрудничество, внешняя политика России, внешняя культурная политика, личность, международные гуманитарные связи, international cultural-humanitarian cooperation, Russian foreign policy, foreign cultural policy, personality, international humanitarian connections
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