Abstract. The author discusses the topical scientific problem of cities strategies development understanding under the conditions of post-industrial civilization formation, reveals the meaning of such notions as city and urbanization, pays particular attention to the specificity of urbanization process within Southern Ural and the possible scenarios of the cities development in the region, and shows the significance of culture and social-cultural projects for the post-industrial stage of urbanization.
Key words and phrases: город, урбанизация, культура, городская культура, Южный Урал, Челябинская область, горнозаводская цивилизация, город-завод, индустриально ориентированная урбанизация, деиндустриализация, городские агломерации, культурные проекты, социокультурное проектиро, city, urbanization, culture, city culture, Southern Ural, Chelyabinsk region, mining civilization, city-factory, industrially oriented urbanization, de-industrialization, urban agglomerations, cultural projects, social-cultural projecting
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