Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 12. Part 2. P. 213-217.
Yanchenko Denis Gennad'evich
St. Petersburg State University
Abstract. The author considers the questions of changes in tax policy and customs tariffs, traces the connection between tax regulation and the transformations conducted at the beginning of the XXth century, basing on the analysis of sources concludes that the political factions of the Third Duma (1907-1912) had to consider the interests of various social groups, and take into account the requirements of regions in their budget-financial work; and mentions that the deputies had to maneuver between the interests of different departments, although the overall financial policy of the government did not enjoy the unequivocal support of any political party.
Key words and phrases: Государственная Дума, политические партии, бюджет, законодательство, Российская империя, налогообложение, State Duma, political parties, budget, legislation, Russian Empire, taxation
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