Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 11. Part 1. P. 148-152.
Putilova Elena Gennad'evna
Nizhnii Tagil State Social-Pedagogical Academy
Abstract. The author considers the main directions of the historical-enlightening society Memorial activity on immortalizing the memory of political repressions victims, tells that memorial complexes creation, research projects implementation, assistance to state bodies in the rehabilitation of political repressions victims, as well as work on the creation and implementation of data bases and data banks with the names of the repressed - these are some of the work types that Memorial society has been performing from the end of the 1980s till nowadays in the field of memory conservation about the victims of our country totalitarian past, and emphasizes that the problem of memory immortalizing is one of the central problems in the historical memory conservation of the new generation of the Russians.
Key words and phrases: история, историческая память, общество "Мемориал", репрессии, жертвы политических репрессий, увековечение памяти, history, historical memory, "Memorial" society, repressions, victims of political repressions, immortalization of memory
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