Abstract. The author presents the retrospective research results on the population age structure of the new industrial cities within Irkutsk region in the 1970-1980s. The population structure of the new-built quarters in the region was formed under the influence of active migration processes. The age characteristics of the population were determined by the social-economic conditions of the cities formation, their economic specialization. The significant percentage of young people was typical of urban population, and it determined citizens' increased labour, social and cultural activity.
Key words and phrases: новые города, возрастной состав населения, возрастные категории, миграционные процессы, трудоспособное население, трудовые коллективы, молодежь, миграционная активность, Братско-Усть-Илимский территориально-производственный комплекс (ТПК), Иркутская облас, new cities, population age structure, age categories, migration processes, working-age population, workers' associations, youth, migration activity, Bratsk-Ust'-Ilimsk territorial-production complex, Irkutsk region, Angara region
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