Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 10. Part 1. P. 65-67.
Gruzdev Andrei Aleksandrovich
Siberian Federal University
Abstract. The author analyzes the problem of social communication development understanding, sets the task to formulate the definition of communicative development, and comparing the views of social communication prominent researchers on the criteria of its development, comes to the conclusion that the current understanding of communicative development should include both social-centrist (with little participation of subject), and subject-oriented interpretations of this phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: коммуникация, развитие коммуникации, интеракция, интерсубъективность, онто-коммуникация, социо-центристский подход, субъект-ориентированный подход, communication, communication development, interaction, intersubjectivity, onto-communication, social-centrist approach, subject-oriented approach
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