Abstract. The author discusses game ontology, its boundaries and meaning, compares two fundamentally different philosophical views on the question presented by the most well-known game researchers J. Huizinga and G. Deleuze and reveals the difference at the boundary between the philosophies of identity and difference or modernist and postmodernist worldview.
Key words and phrases: игра, принуждение, обыденность, культура, правила игры, критерий выигрыша, тождество, различие и повторение, смещающийся центр в вечном возвращении, симулякр, хаосмос, обычная и чистая игра, смысл, творчество, game, compulsion, daily routine, culture, game rules, winning criterion, identity, difference and repetition, moving center in eternal return, simulacrum, chaosmos, ordinary and pure game, meaning, creativity
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