Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 8. Part 4. P. 197-200.
Teten'kin Aleksei Vladimirovich
Irkutsk State Technical University
Abstract. The author studies the history of things cultural types as processes, formulates the difference between the cultural processes of types development and the activity-related processes of artifacts production and use, sets the task to research and describe the types stages-conditions in the cycle of transmission in local social groups cultures and suggests that the formalization and ontological characteristics description of the involved types development cultural mechanisms for archeology should perform the function of the epistemological legitimacy of research.
Key words and phrases: культурный тип, культурные тип-процессы, деятельностные процессы, культурно-типологический и процессуальный подходы в археологии, значение и форма типа, этапы-состояния типа, цикличность тип-процессов, социальная группа, cultural type, cultural type-processes, activity-related processes, cultural-typological and processual approaches in archeology, type meaning and form, type stages-conditions, type-processes cyclicity, social group
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