Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 8. Part 3. P. 92-95.
Zakharov Aleksandr Viktorovich
Saratov State Social-Economic University
Abstract. The author covers some problems connected with the hydro-ameliorative complex development within the USSR, which occurred in the native history period started with May Plenum of CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Central Committee (1966) and with the help of archival materials concludes that amelioration technology introduction into agriculture was of hasty and therefore inefficient nature. Native industry did not manage to provide and adequately equip water works construction and agricultural enterprises with special equipment. In addition, available samples characteristics were far behind world standards. Besides official state authorities did not provide the public with full information about economy condition, in fact they hid the failures and miscounts such as those associated with amelioration. Thus, distorted information formed native history basis.
Key words and phrases: фальсификация, искажение, интенсификация, мелиорация, ирригация, строительная техника, falsification, distortion, intensification, amelioration, irrigation, construction equipment
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