Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 8. Part 2. P. 20-24.
Antonova Elena Leonidovna, Taranova Aleksandra Evgenievna
Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts
Belgorod State Scientific and Research University
Abstract. The authors consider multiculturalism and cultural conservatism through the lens of the cultural trauma received by the Russian society in the social-cultural transformations of the end of the XXth - the beginning of the XXIst century and pay special attention to the problem of collective and historical preservation as the cultural conservatism manifestation necessary for the escape from trauma.
Key words and phrases: социокультурные трансформации, транзитивный период, мультикультурализм, культуроцентризм, культурная традиция, омассовление, массофикация, культурная преемственность, общекультурная идентичность, social-cultural transformations, transitive period, multiculturalism, culture-centrism, cultural tradition, enforcement of mass culture, mass character acquiring, cultural continuity, overall cultural identity
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