Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 8. Part 1. P. 183-188.
Sokol Vladimir Borisovich
Tyumen' State University
Abstract. The author presents the comparative research of the basic principles of two historically and culturally independent epistemological traditions - theistic Vedanta philosophy (Jiva Goswami) and E. Husserl's phenomenology of knowledge, and according to the comparative analysis results determines the correlation of Shabda-Pramana cognitive attitudes of Vedanta and E. Husserl's phenomenological epohe, the methodological similarity of psychophysical experience reduction procedures in favor of the descriptive research of transcendental individual's consciousness meaning-making structures.
Key words and phrases: "прамана", "шабда", сверхчувственные звук и слушание, звуковая онтология ведийской философии, естественная и феноменологическая установки познания, адекватная и аподиктическая очевидность, "третья ступень" феноменологической редукции, "Pramana", "Shabda", supersensible sound and hearing, sound ontology of Vedic philosophy, natural and phenomenological knowledge attitudes, adequate and apodictic evidence, the "third stage" of phenomenological reduction
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