Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 7. Part 3. P. 161-165.
Polyakova Larisa Valentinovna
Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy
Abstract. The author discusses the question of moral ideal relevance in the system of modern philosophical knowledge and philosophical process, reconstructs the ontological nature of the ideal and considers moral ideal in problematic register as an antinomic category. The loss of antinomic tension during moral ideal perception leads to its distortion in the form of moralism or aestheticism. The preservation of the antinomic tension of the ideal reveals its dystopian potential necessary for the complete construction of social reality.
Key words and phrases: нравственный идеал, этика, нравственная философия, эстетизм, морализм, антиномии нравственного идеала, философская этика, moral ideal, ethics, moral philosophy, aestheticism, moralism, antinomies of moral ideal, philosophical ethics
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