Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 6. Part 3. P. 150-153.
Pimenov Vitalii Yur'evich
Smolensk State University
Abstract. A. V. Lunacharskii and A. A. Bogdanov's philosophical ideas are not only the basis of God-Building - the influential philosophical movement of the beginning of the ХХth century - but to a large extent necessary under Russian conditions Marxism adaptation which became the ideological matrix of Bolshevist revolutionary transformations especially in culture sphere. God-Building is presented as the specific religious Marxism - Russian Marxism invariant - which is the basis of socialist transformations.
Key words and phrases: богостроительство, А. А. Богданов, А. В. Луначарский, религия, марксизм, революция, God-Building, A. A. Bogdanov, A. V. Lunacharskii, religion, Marxism, revolution
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Bogdanov A. A. Voprosy sotsializma. M., 1990.
Zen'kovskii V. V. Istoriya russkoi filosofii. M., 2001.
Lunacharskii A. V. Religiya i sotsializm. SPb., 1908. T. 1.