Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 6. Part 2. P. 75-77.
Koval' Irina Yur'evna
Trans-Baikal State Classical-Pedagogical University named after N. G.Chernyshevskii
Abstract. The author traces the interrelation of political mythology and mythological consciousness. Nowadays political myth is constructed having archaic myth as a prototype. However archaic elements introduction into modernity, into the epoch of post-modern doesn't make society completely archaic as world-view stability is characteristic of archaic society. The crisis of modern world-view adopts world-view symbolism and the aspiration for the philosophical picture of the world comprehension from the archaic period.
Key words and phrases: политический миф, мифологическое сознание, архетип, бессознательное, рациональное, political myth, mythological consciousness, archetype, unconscious, rational
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