Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 5. Part 4. P. 79-82.
Ivanov Sergei Yur'evich
Magnitogorsk State University
Abstract. The author considers the role and functional importance of world picture while determining the sphere and limits of philosophical knowledge. The article reveals the subject matter of the basic goals and tasks of philosophy in the twenty-first century, basic philosophical categories and principles, the limits of their application and the possible views concerning philosophy subject body. The author considers the basic metaphysical ways and mental steps which condition the choice of these or those alternatives. The basic elements of novelty are the introduction of philosophical world picture into categorical philosophical apparatus and the revelation of its structure and basic functional orientation.
Key words and phrases: предметное самоопределение философии, философская картина мира, бытие, предметная экспликация бытия, степени свободы, эксплицирующие бытие, philosophy subject self-determination, philosophical world picture, existence, subject explication of existence, freedom degrees, explicating existence
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