Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 5. Part 4. P. 73-78.
Ivanov Sergei Yur'evich
Magnitogorsk State University
Abstract. The author considers the basic structural elements of world picture and substantiates the necessity of distinguishing between world picture and scientific world picture. Considering world picture as the concept of the notion and as the concept of the notion of notion he singles out its basic structural components: ontological, gnosiological and world-view ones. In relation to each of these structural components the author determines the aspects of general, peculiar and singular character.
Key words and phrases: картина мира, онтологический компонент картины мира, гносеологический компонент картины мира, мировоззренческий компонент картины мира, бытие, субстанция, научная картины мира, world picture, ontological component of world picture, gnosiological component of world picture, world-view component of world picture, existence, substance, scientific world picture
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