Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 5. Part 3. P. 18-22.
Ganzhov Evgenii Aleksandrovich
Belgorod State University
Abstract. The author considers non-state financial institutions in Central Chernozem region during post-reform period, analyses the financial institutions which operated in Kursk, Tambov and Voronezh provinces of Central Chernozem region, singles out their corresponding hierarchy and place in crediting the branches of national economy and private persons. On the basis of the received material the author traces the concrete regularity in the activity of financial institutions (that is the complete dependence of the activity and the place in the hierarchy of non-state financial institutions on their capital) and considers the volumes of financing and the territorial coverage by financial institutions.
Key words and phrases: негосударственные финансовые учреждения, акционерные коммерческие банки, городские общественные банки, ссудо-сберегательные товарищества, кредит, non-state financial institutions, joint-stock commercial banks, city public banks, loan-and-savings associations, credit
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