Abstract. The article reflects the norms of international and national legislation providing children's rights and liberties protection. The author pays special attention to the realization of modern Russian policy in the sphere of legal assistance to children aimed at adjusting Russian legislation in accordance with the norms of international treaties and, first of all, European Social Charter (a reviewed one) and also to the revelation of problem aspects in the mentioned sphere which must be eliminated as soon as possible.
Key words and phrases: несовершеннолетние, правовая защита, обеспечение прав и свобод, Европейская социальная хартия (пересмотренная), Уполномоченный по правам ребенка, ювенальная юстиция, уголовная ответственность, защита половой неприкосновенности, non-adults, legal assistance, rights and liberties protection, European Social Charter (a reviewed one), children's ombudsman, juvenile justice, criminal liability, protection of sexual immunity