Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 4. Part 1. P. 162-164.
Smirnova Tat'yana Yur'evna
Shuisk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The town Suzdal' got its name from the words fated, fate. The philosophical-etymological analysis of such notion as fate shows from one side the polysemanticism and poly-regularity of this notion and from the other side - its utmost importance for understanding the deep existential bases of the town itself and it makes us to consider fate as an archetypical notion that is such a notion which serves as a framework for the initial town rooting in existence, in the world as a whole and in humanity life in particular.
Key words and phrases: Суздаль, топоним, архетип, судьба, суждено, Suzdal', toponym, archetype, fate, fated
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