Abstract. The article reveals the content of the notion conservatism and its specificity concerning the opposition to the reformatory policy of the Emperor Aleksandr II which came from the right, from the representatives of aristocratically inclined nobility circles. Special attention is paid to the character of the ideology of aristocratic conservatism, to its adherents' activity directions. The author shows the conditionality of both aristocratic conservatism origin and its positions loss which led to its extinction by autocratic state influence on conservatism development process in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Key words and phrases: консерватизм, "аристократический" консерватизм, самодержавие, самодержавное государство, сословие, сословность, дворянство, идеология, придворные сферы, conservatism, "aristocratic" conservatism, autocracy, autocratic state, class, belonging to some class, nobility, ideology, court spheres
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