Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 2. Part 3. P. 206-208.
Shubina Marina Mikhailovna
South-Russian State University of Economics and Service
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of social inequalities origin and further development. Some works of Western European scientists (E. Durkheim, G. Simmel, T. Parsons, К. Davies, W. Moore and others) are considered and the basic criteria determining inequalities are revealed in them. Special attention is paid to the basic tendencies of inequalities development in modern society where the existing situation enhances social differences and structures incompatible recognition systems. The problem of citizen notion other understanding is raised.
Key words and phrases: неравенства, класс, стратификация, современность, общество, идеология, интеграция, разделение труда, человек, inequalities, class, stratification, modernity, society, ideology, integration, labour differentiation, human being
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