Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 1. P. 30-33.
Baksheeva Marina Yuryevna
Trans-baikalia State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University Department of Fine Art and Design
Abstract. The article is devoted to the art consideration from the positions of actual transitivity phenomenon in its historic, social and cultural understanding in the modern society. Some aspects of art concerning the main criteria of transitivity at the turn of the XIXth-XXth centuries and at the new stage in the ХХth-XXIst centuries are analyzed. Special attention is given to the idea of arrangement as significant means in the art and as the complex and sociocultural phenomenon of informational epoch.
Key words and phrases: переходный период, циклическая парадигма, картина мира, информационное общество, монтаж, transition period, cyclic paradigm, picture of the world, informational society, arrangement
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