Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 1. P. 132-135.
Prihodko Yevgueniya Anatolyevna, Lebedeva Svetlana Orestovna
Volgograd Technical University Department of Social Sciences
Abstract. In the article the notion historical memory is considered as keeping and presentin the definite group of recollections about some events which have the identity and fate of the memory in consciousness and in the cultural monuments. Historical consciousness is not exhausted by the explanation of the past as it is only one side of historical consciousness conceptualizing the connection between all three time modalities: past, present, future.
Key words and phrases: историческая память, историческое время, историческое сознание, historical memory, historical time, historical consciousness
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