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Kirguizova Yekaterina Vyacheslavovna
Penza State University Department of State and Law Subjects
Abstract. The article is devoted to the actual problem of studying the notion economic freedom in the context of the social economic rights of the Russian Federation citizens. The author considers the different approaches to the notion definition of the economic freedom of scientists, lawyers, economists and also defines the adjacent notions. The freedom of economic relations is regarded not only as the freedom of activity in economic sphere itself but as the necessary means to achieve and guarantee the political and social rights and freedoms of a person. The author has studied the constitutional-legal bases of the legislative regulation of realizing the right for the freedom economic activity in Russia.
Key words and phrases: социально-экономические права, экономическая свобода, экономическая деятельность, свобода предпринимательской деятельности, social economic rights, economic freedom, economic activity, the freedom of entrepreneurship activit
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