Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2009. № 1. P. 33-39.
Dudina I. А.
Murmansk State Technical University Department of Philosophy
Abstract. The general methodological bases of philosophical anthropology of the great Russian thinker I. A. Ilyin are considered in this paper. His assertions about the indissoluble connection of philosophy and life, about the unity of philosophical views and practical activity are represented. Ilyin's substantiation of anthropology is analized as the central problem of philosophy.
Key words and phrases: философия, русский философ И. А. Ильин, совершенствование человека, преобразование общества, антропология, philosophy, the great Russian thinker I. A. Ilyin, person perfection, transformation of society, anthropology
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