Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2008. № 1. P. 31-35.
Zasyad-Volk Y. V.
Novosibirsk state technical university Department of philosophy
Abstract. Philosophical concept of "meaning" is considered in the article which synthetically unite the moments of imagery of essence, value and activity corresponded with comprehending subject. And Man as the most complex stage of substance development and his meaning of life are depicted. Meaning of life includes not just continuous man formation but also nature humane management in the limits of substance.
Key words and phrases: смысл жизни, объективные основания смысла, осознанный характер отражения, гипотеза, meaning of life, objective bases of meaning, conscious imagery character, hypothesis
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