The attribute in the Abaza language: Means of expression and grammatical connection with sentence parts
Pazov Sergey Umarovich, Pazova Liliya Kyashifovna
Umar Aliev Karachai-Cherkess State University
Submitted: 01.08.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the primary means by which the least studied member of the sentence, the attribute, is expressed in the modern Abaza language and to identify its syntactic position both within the sentence structure and in the attributive complex. The article analyzes all parts of speech in the Abaza language, as well as a large corpus of phrases and various syntactic constructions extracted from samples of Abaza aphoristic poetry, oral folk art, fiction, and field materials collected by the authors in order to determine the frequency of the attribute in the syntactic position. The research is novel in that it is the first one to determine the following: a) the group of means of attribute expression that have the highest frequency (noun, participle, infinite constructions); b) the adjective, which, as an independent part of speech, is not used in the syntactic position of the attribute, despite the attributive nature of its semantics; c) the order of words expressing the attribute and the attribute head, and their syntactic connection.
Key words and phrases: средства выражения определения, инфинитные конструкции, грамматическое оформление атрибутивных отношений, порядок слов в атрибутивных конструкциях, means of attribute expression, infinite constructions, grammatical expression of attributive relations, word order in attributive constructions
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