Modeling of cognitive-pragmatic situations within the framework of the syntactic concept of CONDITIONALITY (based on the material of the German language)
Burdaeva Tatiana Valeryevna
Samara Railway University
Submitted: 13.07.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to model cognitive–pragmatic situations identified within the framework of the syntactic concept of CONDITIONALITY which is represented by a complex sentence with conditional adjuncts. The article addresses issues related to the structure of the syntactic concept, its representation and interpretation in German scientific discourse, characterizes a complex sentence with conditional adjuncts, reveals its structural and semantic features. The appeal to the cognitive-pragmatic aspect of the proposal allows us to establish the relationship between the ways of representing knowledge about the world and the constructed meanings explicated in the context. Scientific novelty is determined, firstly, by the fact that for the first time the structure of the syntactic concept of CONDITIONALITY, represented by a complex sentence with conditional adjuncts, is considered, and, secondly, cognitive-pragmatic situations are modeled in order to interpret the concept. The study revealed that the method of cognitive-pragmatic situational modeling used in this work allows us to identify the core and peripheral models within the concept structure. This is made possible by the specific characteristics of subordinate means. Additionally, we were able to develop a typology of cognitive-pragmatic situations within the framework of the concept in question across various subtypes of scientific discourse in the German language.
Key words and phrases: лингвистическое моделирование, модель предложения, синтаксический концепт, кондициональность, сложноподчиненное предложение с условным придаточным, когнитивно-прагматическая ситуация, linguistic modeling, sentence model, syntactic concept, conditionality, complex sentence with conditional adjunct, cognitive-pragmatic situation
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