The structure of French-language media text as a trigger for the use of political terminology in the speech of young adolescent children
Vdovichenko Elizaveta Anatol'evna
Kemerovo State University
Submitted: 20.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify which elements of news texts with the structures “Inverted Pyramid”, “Pyramid”, “Hourglass Style”, “Diamond”, “Martini Glass”, “Kebab” encourage young adolescent children to use political terms when commenting on the stimulus text. The article considers the correlation between the use of political terms in the structural components of news texts of political topics and comments left on these articles. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time a study of the influence of the architectonics of news texts on the popularization of political terminology mentioned in them among readers of the younger adolescent group was conducted. As a result of the study, it was found that the structures of the news text – “Kebab”, “Martini Glass”, “Inverted yramid” – influences the readers of the younger adolescent age group of 10-15 years old and encourages them to use political terminology from the stimulus text, which is often found in the structural components “Lead” (Introduction), “Body”, “Background”, presented at the beginning of the news texts.
Key words and phrases: структура новостного текста, политическая терминология, комментарий к новостному тексту, читатель подросткового возраста, structure of news text, political terminology, news text commentary, young adolescent reader
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