Extralinguistic content of semantics in German verbs of touch
Khantimirov Spartak Mubarakshevich
Bashkir State Pedagogical M. Akmulla University
Submitted: 06.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to reveal the extralinguistic content in the semantics of German verbs of touch. The paper describes the key characteristics of extralinguistic word meaning studies, the advantages of taking into account all the information hidden behind a lexical unit, and highlights the differences between this approach and a purely linguistic word analysis. The paper unveils additional features in the meaning of the German lexicon under consideration, which were identified through a frame analysis of the semantics of German verbs denoting tactile perception. The data obtained through this analysis is presented in tables describing the extralinguistic content of frames of German verbs of touch. A comparative analysis of the identified slots (the smallest components of meaning in the verbs studied) is conducted. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in revealing the rich potential of extralinguistic studies of the semantics of German verbs of touch, previously described only within the framework of a purely linguistic approach. The research concludes that the extralinguistic study of verbs denoting tactile perception allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the semantics of the corpus of vocabulary under consideration, helping to better comprehend the principles of use for this group of German words.
Key words and phrases: когнитивная семантика, немецкие глаголы осязания, фрейм, слот, cognitive semantics, German verbs of touch, frame, slot
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