Representation of myth-creating in the form of author’s language cognition in the poem of D. Constantine “Orphic”
Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
Samara State Technical University
Submitted: 05.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify lexical-stylistic and grammatical methods of linguistic representation of myth-creating in the poem “Orphic” by the British poet D. Constantine. The research novelty consists in the fact that the following linguistic means of expressing myth- creating as a method of artistic cognition have been established: metaphors; augmented allusion, based on cultural and historical precedents that receive new characteristics; stylistic eclecticism and impersonal myth, in which the author hints at well-known images with the help of recognizable characteristics of the characters, without naming the heroes. As a result, myth-creating is defined as a special cognitive practice that has a unique linguistic expression, which consists in the use of author's linguistic means as well as an innovative mixture of styles that allows you to fit a classic myth into a modern context and gives it a new artistic meaning.
Key words and phrases: художественная когниция в постмодерне, языковая репрезентация мифотворчества, стилистическая эклектика, когнитивная практика, дополненная аллюзия, обезличенный миф, artistic cognition in postmodernism, linguistic representation of myth-creating, stylistic eclecticism, cognitive practice, augmented allusion, impersonal myth
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