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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 2071-2078.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The techniques of language play in the ergonyms of the Samara region from the point of view of the pragmatics of the auxiliary parts of speech

Khokhlova Anna Alekseevna
Samara State Technical University

Submitted: 05.05.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the language game in the ergonyms of the Samara region with the participation of auxiliary parts of speech. Considerable attention is paid to determining the frequency of language game techniques. In addition, the author analyzes the process of secondary nomination in the language game of Samara ergonymy. The article examines prepositions, particles, interjections and conjunctions in the ergonyms of the Samara region and analyzes the techniques involved in the language game according to the method and frequency of use. The author gives examples of the complex use of language game techniques. The scientific novelty lies in the classification of language game techniques involving official parts of speech as part of ergonyms, as well as in the study of the pragmatic potential of language game in cases of complex use of language game techniques. Auxiliary parts of speech, such as prepositions, conjunctions, and particles, can play a crucial role in ensuring the effect of the game, changing or amplifying the meanings of other words to create unexpected or humorous meanings in the context of a language game. A thorough analysis of how the auxiliary parts of speech can contribute to the creative use of language is a new approach. For the first time, statistics on the use of auxiliary parts of speech in various techniques and in ergonyms were given. As a result of the study, 23 techniques in ergonyms containing auxiliary parts of speech were identified and described. Statistical data on the frequency of language game techniques in ergonyms at the level of pragmatics are presented separately by prepositions, particles, interjections and conjunctions.
Key words and phrases: служебные части речи в эргонимах, прагматический потенциал эргонима, частотность приёмов языковой игры, комплексное использование приёмов языковой игры, auxiliary parts of speech in ergonyms, pragmatic potential of the ergonym, frequency of language game techniques, complex use of language game techniques
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