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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 2027-2035.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The structure of the semantic space of verbal vocabulary in R. Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451” (based on the material of the novel in English)

Zhdanova Yulia Vadimovna
Smolensk State University

Submitted: 24.05.2023
Abstract. The analysis of the verbal semantics of works, in particular their semantic spaces, is currently the subject of a large number of scientific papers. The purpose of this study is to represent the space of semantic features of verbal units in R. Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451”. The article examines the features of verbal semantics and semantic classification of verbs, the concept of the semantic space of verbal vocabulary and the parameters of its research, the introduction of quantitative methods for studying massive linguistic data, such as methods of correlation and cluster analysis of linguistic data. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify relevant features of the space of verbal vocabulary by synthesizing correlation and cluster analyses, taking into account frequency-relevant features based on frequency data analysis. As a result, frequency-relevant (integrally marked, integrally unmarked and differentially marked) signs of the verbal semantic space were identified, which are of practical importance for the study of the verbal vocabulary of the novel “Fahrenheit 451”.
Key words and phrases: семантическое пространство, Р. Брэдбери, метод кластерного анализа, лексико-семантическая классификация глаголов, частотно-релевантные признаки, semantic space, R. Bradbury, cluster analysis method, lexico-semantic classification of verbs, frequency-relevant features
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