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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1992-1998.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Language tools with an intensifying function in V. M. Shukshin’s novella “Snowball Berry Red”

Loginova Elena Yurievna
Samara State University of Railway Transport

Submitted: 15.05.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the features and role of linguistic means with an intensifying function, identified in V. M. Shukshin’s novella “Snowball Berry Red”. The detected units are part of the representative base of the intensity category, which, following the majority of researchers, we recognize as a qualitative and quantitative semantic category. The semantic category of intensity is for V. M. Shukshin is a means of stylistic reinforcement, focusing attention on one or another side of the depicted reality, a way of characterizing the hero, expressing his feelings, a means of clarifying assessments, as well as a way of compositional division of the text. The scientific originality is determined by the fact that for the first time the peculiarity of the language of V. M. Shukshin’s novella was investigated from the point of view of the existence of means with amplifying semantics in it, their role in the text of this literary work was established. The results showed that V. M. Shukshin makes extensive use of multilevel linguistic means of expressing classifiers and intensifiers: lexico-phraseological, morphological, syntactic. Along with other means involved in the formation of the author’s idiostyle, they contribute to the transmission of various semantic and emotional shades of the described speech situations. At the same time, the writer conveys his attitude to the depicted, organizing the text in a special way and selecting linguistic means that materialize the artistic image.
Key words and phrases: семантическая категория интенсивности, интенсифицирующая функция языковых средств, качественно-количественная семантическая категория, идиостиль автора, повесть «Калина красная» В. М. Шукшина, semantic category of intensity, intensifying function of linguistic means, qualitative and quantitative semantic category, author’s idiostyle, novel “Snowball Berry Red” by V. M. Shukshin
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