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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1979-1984.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Overstatement as a communicative category of British linguoculture (based on the novels by S. Kinsella “Christmas Shopaholic”, “Burnout” and by I. Knight “Darling”)

Vlasova Ekaterina Viktorovna
MGIMO University, Odintsovsky Branch

Submitted: 01.05.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the features of overstatement as a communicative category in modern British literary texts. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a detailed theoretical study of the linguistic and stylistic works of domestic and foreign researchers on the phenomenon under study, which made it possible to identify stylistic, lexical, grammatical and phonographic ways of expressing overstatement, as well as its strategies aimed at harmonious, conflict-free communication. The article presents the contexts of the use of overstatement in the speech of 30 characters in the works of modern English writers Sophie Kinsella “Christmas Shopaholic” (2019), “Burnout” (2023), India Knight “Darling” (2022). The results of the study showed that overstatement is a nationally specific communicative category containing the attitudes and rules of speech behavior of the British and involved in the regulation of the communicative process. The analyzed material revealed the existence of a large number of verbal means that are actively used in the speech of modern native speakers. The British use overstatement to show increased interest in the interlocutor, demonstrate attention and affection for him, emphasizing belonging to this society.
Key words and phrases: способы выражения переоценки, национально-специфическая коммуникативная категория, стратегии переоценки, ways of expressing overstatement, national-specific communicative category, strategies of overstatement
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