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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1919-1924.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Image of the metaphysical vampire in the artistic space of the short story “A Psychopathic Ghoul” by Yu. V. Mamleev

Yakovlev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Karpenko Anastasia Vladimirovna
State University of Humanities and Technology

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 14

Submitted: 07.05.2024
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the analysis of the short story “A Psychopathic Ghoul” by Yu. V. Mamleev through the lens of necromythopoetic reception. The research aims to reveal the specifics of the image of the metaphysical vampire in the work. The paper analyzes the plot and compositional features of the short story, focusing on its imagery system of metaphysical genesis, plot-compositional structure, and mortal motifs. The author possesses an understanding of life and death as an integral part of the cycle of being. Leaving this world does not mean the end, but only a transition to an 10, mysterious world of a new existence. The research is original in that it is the first to consider the unique mythopoetic worldview of the short story “A Psychopathic Ghoul”, where the features of a qualitatively different state of being, i.e., life after death, are explored. As a result of a detailed analysis, it was found that the text is built around the protagonist’s transcendent entry into the forbidden spheres to explore the spiritual cosmos of human existence, the ghoul is the bearer of 10 forces that lurk in the depths of every person. The conflict between the insatiable desire to find answers to spiritual, metaphysical questions and the impossibility of achieving this is key to the philosopher’s short story.
Key words and phrases: Ю. В. Мамлеев, рассказ «Упырь-психопат», архетип смерти, мортальные мотивы, некромифопоэтическая рецепция, Yu. V. Mamleev, short story “A Psychopathic Ghoul”, death archetype, mortal motifs, necromythopoetic reception
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