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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1903-1907.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Artistic interpretation of the destinies of people of art in T. Minnullin's drama "Galiyabanu – My Beloved"

Zakirzyanov Al'fat Magsumzyanovich, Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Submitted: 06.05.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the plot interpretation by the playwright T. Minnullin of individual destinies of creative people in the drama "Galiyabanu – My Beloved". In the play, the author managed to show the "conflict of generations" not in the generally accepted everyday plan, but in the stage and professional one, namely in three planes of the fate of theater artists (the stage play of the younger generation of actors, theatrical history and the personal life of actors of the older generation). Special attention is paid to the role of the visual media used in revealing the world of art people and their images, as well as expressing the author's position. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the intertwining of the artist's personal fate with the life of society, the need to serve a great purpose and the emotional vulnerability of a man of art in T. Minnullin's play. Their personal life (unhappy love, loneliness) and the moral and philosophical problems of our time (contradictions between two generations, transformation of moral values, lack of public attention, etc.) are evaluated in this plane. As a result of the research, it was determined: firstly, for the comprehensive disclosure of the images of people of art, the playwright T. Minnullin refers to the widely known classic work "Galiyabanu" by M. Faizi. Secondly, such artistic means as techniques of psychologism and motifs of intertextuality and play contribute to the deep disclosure of the world of people of art, characters of heroes, and thirdly, the difference in world perception and worldview, manifested as usual in the conflict of generations, is represented by the author by the play of artists two generations in the play.
Key words and phrases: татарская драматургия, Т. Миннуллин, пьеса «Галиябану – ненаглядная моя», образы людей искусства, мотивы интертекстуальности и игры, Tatar drama, T. Minnullin, play "Galiyabanu – My Beloved", images of people of art, motifs of intertextuality and play
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