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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1880-1890.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The problem of modifying rumors: From the traditional texture to the emergence of new digital genres

Prokhorova Olga Nikolaevna, Gafurova Valeria Alekseevna
Belgorod State National Research University

Submitted: 16.03.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the problem of the transformation of rumors as a communicative unit against the background of globalization and informatization of the modern stage of society development, which is characterized by the emergence of social media and electronic platforms for mass communication. The research is carried out by systematizing and studying (reviewing) scientific papers within the framework of linguistic, philosophical, sociopsychological, computer and information research. In this article, an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the nature of unconfirmed information is used for research, taking into account the definition of the main areas of modification of the phenomenon under study, as well as its latest characteristics. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it provides a deep and detailed analysis of the modification of the phenomenon of rumors, taking into account the identification of the specifics of the transformation of the studied object as a special type of communication based on an integrated approach to the emergence and dissemination of unverified information. For the first time in scientific practice, a scheme for modifying such messages has been developed involving a diachronic analysis of the main characteristics of rumors in the period from the middle of the 21st century to quarter of the XXI century, based on the available domestic and foreign works of scientists. As a result of this work, a classical and modern understanding of the texture of rumors has been formed, taking into account an extensive analysis of various views on the problem of determining rumors within the framework of scientific discussion.
Key words and phrases: неверифицированная информация, трансформация слухов, характеристики слухов, области модификации слухов, традиционное представление слухов, современное представление слухов, unverified information, transformation of rumors, characteristics of rumors, areas of modification of rumors, traditional representation of rumors, modern representation of rumors
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