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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1699-1704.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The influence of Sasha Cherny on the satirical poetry of Leonid Zavalnyuk

Gavrilenko Viktoriya Dmitrievna
Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

Submitted: 12.04.2024
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the lyrics of the Soviet and Russian poet Leonid Zavalnyuk (1930-2010), published in the poetry collection “Ku-ku v muku” (1991). Zavalnyuk is known as a lyric poet, but in this collection, he appeared before readers in a new role for himself – a satirical poet. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of satire and irony in the late period of the poet’s work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the scope of satire and irony in the lyrics of Leonid Zavalnyuk using the example of the analysis of images, ideas and vocabulary used. The results obtained showed that Zavalnyuk’s poetry was influenced by the satirical lyrics of Sasha Cherny, especially poems such as “Song of the Field” (1908) and “Prayer” (1908). The collection “Ku-ku v muku” became an experiment for the poet. In it, the author, turning to new genres for himself, was enriched with ideas and images, which allowed his poetry to subsequently reach a new level. Thus, in the works of the 1990-2000s, there is an increased interest of the poet in the themes of immortality, the structure of the world and the meaning of existence. While in earlier works Zavalnyuk’s attention is often turned inward.
Key words and phrases: Леонид Завальнюк, сатира Саши Черного, поздняя лирика Завальнюка, сатирическая поэзия, русская поэзия 1990-х гг, Leonid Zavalnyuk, satire by Sasha Cherny, late lyrics of Zavalnyuk, satirical poetry, Russian poetry of the 1990s
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